About This Blog, Blogging 101

Humility so sweetly awarded. wow

The Mystic Horse Chronicle

IMG_7619Apolinaire, 3o something

I’m on a mystical journey with my six horses and one dog. This is a chronicle of the journey as I explore and experience first hand the spiritual connection between horse and human, and the surprising healing that ensues. These writings focus on true stories of unconventional spiritual interactions between the horses and myself as well as clients that come to the ranch. Included are musings that come in moments of inspiration or silliness, and the intermingling of nature and the arts which are integral to the spiritual experiences here as the horses do their transformational work.

I am 72 and entered the world of horses for the first time when I was almost 50 after a teaching career, and raising two sons. One remarkable horse, Apolinaire, found his way to me at a ranch where I had just begun riding lessons. He changed my life…

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Artist, retired Neurodiagnostician; RPSGT/EEGT, Sleep Tech, Grandma, Seamstress, Architect, Sign Painter, Prop and Model Fabricator, Living History/Steam Whistles/Antique Engines/Miniatures Buff, Indigenous Michigan Conservation... (whew!!!!!) but just an introduction!

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